Thursday, January 29, 2015

A fresh, new start

I have had this blog for quite some time and have posted (and un-posted) several seemingly-random messages over the course of the past few years.  After much reflection, I have decided that if I am going to keep this blog up and running, I am going to have to start from scratch.

In keeping with that, I have removed all of my old, one-off posts in favor of a clean slate.  At this point, I have no definite schedule for posting.  My time is already full enough as it is without taking on a blog, but as I once heard, "publish or perish."

I have many subjects that interest me.  I write software for a living, so I'll probably have some work-related posts.  I have a real passion for fine woodworking, so I am sure that this subject will also be included.  Then there is electronics, flying, video production, family, and church just to get started.

So, without further adieu the slate has been wiped!

-- John